
2021 Q1 Newsletter

Check out our 2021 Q1 Newsletter below! We detail our progress to close out 2020, introduce new lore and the Skimmer’s Cove starter zone, and share some new art and screenshots. Get to know Primelord, our Discord’s resident Paladin, in our Community Spotlight, and find out how this whole journey started, and where we’re headed, when our Lore Mistress interviews me (Bryan) on all the happenings at Ninja Loot Games. Happy reading!

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As always, if you like what you see and would like to keep up to date with development, Register and join our awesome community over on Discord. Thanks for reading!


February 5, 2021
Man I can't wait for this, you guys have no idea how long I've been waiting for a game in this aesthetic! How do I support you guys?!!? Thank you for this.
March 6, 2021
Does anyone know how to become a founder and or get into the beta test.
May 7, 2021
When you sign up you are added automatically to closed beta signup. I believe you can support them from the store as well which is on zazzle... Store Front: https://www.zazzle.com/store/defend_the_night From their FAQ: Community-driven development is a working function in Defend the Night! A great way to support the game is to register with the site, participate in our forum discussions and communicate in our discord server. (discord) (forums) (register) We have a merchandise storefront for those interested in supporting early development and scoring some DtN swag. Profits go towards developing Defend the Night systems and operating costs. DtN is also promoting the Defend the Dome Club. If you send proof of purchase of a hat (or any clothing item) to Support@defendthenightgame.com with Subject: DtD you will be provided a Defend the Dome (DtD) role in our Discord labeled Defender. Please provide website forum and discord name and allow 3 business days for a review!
July 24, 2021
Thanks for the help @velish!
May 13, 2021
Yeah I'm really interested in testing and buying this one! Is Alpha testing closed? Can I get in on Beta?
July 24, 2021
Registering is your best way to get in on testing!

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